This was one of these rare moments, when you take the freedom to do nothing. Yesterday I went to a music festival, by my good friend Dr. Uwe Steuer, to the German province of Prignitz right in the middle between Berlin and Hamburg. This was the first time in a row of more than 15 years that I decided not to shoot the shows. You know what? This was cool, relaxing and a I could really enjoy every concert. Ok, no backstage pass this time – but never mind.
Next day me and Dietrich, another good friend of mine from Munich, decided to go to the Baltic Sea – since we had already been half way to the German North shores anyway.
Thus we took a short ride to the island of Poel and I hit the sack on some deserted beach. The holiday season was already over and just a few people were present. Before it started to get boring I took my camera and played around. These are the results: