Every Doctor says: You need to move to keep your systems intact. Umm. Therefore this morning I have woken up my bicycle from winter sleep and planned my first test ride for this open air season.
The weather was perfect for cycling, but not really for photography (and lightwise it was the wrong time anyway). But to take my camera with me turned out to be quite a clever decision. Every now and then I could stop, pretending to take a photo :-). Since spring has just started in our area, I decided to take some pics of fresh leaves and other greenstuff. So I have lots of green and surprisingly even some shiny yellow.
Second I wanted to test something I had always wanted to be built in a semipro DSLR – GPS tracking. But my preferred manufacturer just slowly enters this path (some beginner’s models have GPS). I had downloaded some application (GPX Master) onto my iPhone, synched the time with my camera and pushed the start button on my departure. After my return I stopped the recording, have imported the resulting track file via Dropbox into Lightroom’s map module and linked the track to the images. It worked quite fine. But honestly, this solution is much too complicated to perform for every photoshoot (always remember to start and finish, fiddeling with Dropbox etc.). I still prefer to have this built in my camera, and the data written right into the meta info of each photo.
By the way GPX Master worked quite exact with differences of about 10 metres, In comparison to my bicyle’s distance meter it calculated 2 kilometres more. And it had really big problems to calculate the elevation of each stop. It told me to have made 2,900 metres – this could never ever be true because the area here is quite flat. But this finally didn’t bother me because all I wanted was to have exact marks for my photo stops.