Every autumn American photo educator and photographer Scott Kelby calls for his worldwide photowalk with several hundred locations and tens of thousands participants. The Berlin group of this event met yesterday afternoon for a stroll through historic (East) Berlin.
The weather was far from optimal for outdoor shooting of architecture and cityscape due to haze and deep clouds (around 250 meters since you could not even see the top of the TV tower). On the other hand I had shot these motifs so many times. Thus I concentrated on a special assignment:
I followed Scott’s advice and came with light gear: Nikon D300, 50mm 1.8 lens and a Black Rapid sling strap. No bag, no tripod, no other accessories (okay, I also brought a spare battery in my pocket, just in case 😉 ).
I had tried to shoot with a shallow depth of field and wanted to concentrate on details. This reduction was okay, because for me this event is not just about photography but much more about socializing with other photogs. Finally I ended up with some nice shots to add to my collection of railing-post heads and some fall impressions of the City of Berlin.
Special Note (as of Oct 16)
Today one of my images was referenced in Scott Kelby’s talkshow “The Grid” where he shows some of the images of several walks. At the 24-minute mark one of my images appears. And I feel a bit proud and embarrassed at the same time. Because this was from a series of test shots taken from the stairs of the TV tower which I stitched to a free hand pano. Unintentionally I uploaded it to Flickr where all images of the walk where collected. From there this unedited and very low res version went to Scotts Facebook page and from there to any viewer of The Grid. Strange but cool.
This is a screenshot from the show.

And this is the original test pano.

Now – here are some more impressions of the walk.