Author: Oliver M. Zielinski

Festival Of Lights Reanimated

Festival of Lights 2013 - Brandenburg Gate
Festival of Lights 2013 – Brandenburg Gate

The same procedure as every year. For two weeks in October Germany’s capital Berlin is a magnet for nightphotographers. During the Festival Of Lights many buildings and some landmarks are colorfully illuminated with different techniques from static troopers to impressive light projections performed by lighting artists.

As every year the Berlin based community of Germany’s leading internet forum for Nikon shooters  Nikonpoint meets for a photowalk to shoot the most interesting objects. Yesterday we were a bunch of 9.

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Worldwide Photo Walk 2013 in Berlin

Worldwide Photo Walk Berlin  2013
Worldwide Photo Walk Berlin 2013

Yesterday a bunch of people met in a historic part of  Berlin, Germany for a two hour photo walk. This is organized by initiative of American photographer, author and educator Scott Kelby. Altogether there where almost 28,500 walkers  on their way in more than 1,200 locations all over the  world. The Berlin group consisted of about 20 photographers.

Tour guide Sebastian had organised his walk perfectly. Each walker got a printed map of the route with explanations for several spots – just in case one would get lost in this lively part of town.

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Lazy Afternoon at the Baltic Sea

Seagull at the Baltic Sea
Seagull at the Baltic Sea

This was one of these rare moments, when you take the freedom to do nothing. Yesterday I went to a music festival, by my good friend Dr. Uwe Steuer, to the German province of Prignitz right in the middle between Berlin and Hamburg. This was the first time in a row of more than 15 years that I decided not to shoot the shows. You know what? This was cool, relaxing and a I could really enjoy every concert. Ok, no backstage pass this time – but never mind.

Next day me and Dietrich, another good friend of mine from Munich, decided to go to the Baltic Sea – since we had already been half way to the German North shores anyway.

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Is Retouching Appropriate?

Out of Camera vs. Retouched
Out of Camera vs. Retouched

This question touches every photographer sooner or later and then from every now and then again. Photographer Matt Kloskowski has shared an article on this question he found these days on the blog of Swedish photographer Jonas Hellsén. And this led me to think about it again.

First of all I am far away of blaming anyone who has a different oppinion on the amount of retouching appropriate to a photograph than I have. I think as we look at photography as an art form it is all about personal taste (and only then about technique, equipment etc.). In German there is a saying that states that you cannot argue over taste. Full stop.

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Nightly Photowalk in Hamburg’s Warehouse District

St. Catherine's at Late Night
St. Catherine’s at Late Night

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Germany’s great Nikon internet forum Nikonpoint some of the members (including me) met for a nightshoot at Hamburg’s famous historic Warehouse District.

This is the world’s largest and partly still in operation for storage and trade – one third of the world’s carpet trade is handled via this place, but also coffee, tea, spices and electronics. Most of it is publicly accessible. And almost anytime you find individual or groups of photo enthusiasts strolling around these blocks identified by carrying a tripod and some photobag.

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Photo Book with Lightroom and Blurb

After a photo safari through the African wilderness I finally decided to get Lightroom for archiving and processing my photographs. Lightroom 4 arrived shortly after my return from Africa and I was quite curious about the new book tool inside Lightroom, which promised to send a correct book to Blurb. I created a book from my best shots and wanted to transfer the result to Blurb.

Photobook with Lightroom
Photobook with Lightroom
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Fotobuch mit Lightroom und Blurb

Eine Fotosafari durch die afrikanische Wildnis war für mich der Grund, für die Bildarchivierung und -bearbeitung endlich auf  Lightroom umzusteigen. Lightroom 4 lag kurz nach meiner Rückkehr aus Afrika auf meinem Schreibisch, und ich war insbesondere auf das neue Buch-Tool in Lightroom neugierig. Also erstellte ich ein Buch aus meinen Fotos und wollte das Ergebnis an Blurb senden.

Fotobuch mit Lightroom
Fotobuch mit Lightroom

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My Contribution to Trey Ratcliff’s Stuck In Customs

Screenshot from Stuck In Customs
Screenshot from Stuck In Customs

The highly frequented website Stuck in Customs of American Photoartist Trey Ratcliff now also has an HDR-Tutorial in German. I had the great honour to contribute to this tutorial with my translation. Via my quality editorial Service GermanoMedia this award winning online tutorial on HDR photography is now also available in German. It is online since November 1st.

The instruction for HDR photography can already be read in several languages on Trey’s blog. Now also German fans of this image style can enjoy this online seminar in their mother tongue.

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